1. First guess the year of the first event, then the year of the second event. You have 7 attempts. 2. If the year is less than 1000, enter 0 at the beginning. Example: for the year 781 enter 0781 3. If the year is before Christ, the entry does not change. Example: for the year 231 BC, enter 0231 4. The meaning of colors:
Correct digit in this spot.
Correct digit in this spot is smaller than the digit you entered.
Correct digit in this spot is larger than the digit you entered.
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Write your opinion, rating, critique or suggestion.Rating
Finnian This game just took my smarts to a whole another level. I'm finding out all sorts of history stuff I didn't even know I didn't know.
Keep up the good work, Yeardle dudes and dudettes! ★★★★★
Tex Cactus This Yeardle thing is the real deal for history buffs of all stripes.
Keep making those games, they're a total blast and make us smarter.
You guys rock harder than Stonehenge! ★★★★
Lyn Fegan I loved the old Yearle but hate the new version. Guessing the year is a skill, guessing the actual date, for most people, a random bit of luck unless it's very well known. For me, you've spoilt it. ★★★★★
Valentina I. Absolutely my favorite -le game. I like history and have a good memory of recent events. ★★★★★