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Nerdle Unlimited

Nerdle Unlimited

Nerdle Training, play Nerdle Unlimited.
Nerdle is a difficult math game.
Color scheme

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Game rules for Nerdle

Read the game rules carefully twice.1. You have to make a valid math equation. The value on the left side of the equal sign must be equal to the value on the right side of the equal sign.
2. Only numbers are allowed on the right side of the equal sign (no arithmetic operations).
3. The first character in the equation must be a number between 1 and 9.
4. Do not forget: multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction.
5. 13−2×5=3 is not the same as 13−5×2=3.
6. Computer keyboard:
[+ plus, addition]
[- hyphen, subtraction]
[x letter, multiplication]
[: colon, division]
7. The meaning of colors (scheme A):
The correct number (or operation) on the correct spot.
The number (or operation) is in the equation but not on this spot.
The number (or operation) is not in the equation.
8. The meaning of colors (scheme B, for players with reduced ability to perceive colors):
The correct number (or operation) on the correct spot.
The number (or operation) is in the equation but not on this spot.
The number (or operation) is not in the equation.
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