Greek gods

Greek gods and goddesses, despite their immortality and supernatural powers, have many personal defects and imperfections, as ordinary people do. We can read about their lives and experiences in Greek myths, where various heroes and mythological creatures join the gods.

The most important 12 Greek gods and goddesses known as Twelve Olympians resided on Mount Olympus.
The Olympic Twelve include: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demetra, Athens, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes and Dionysus.

Mythology was at the heart of everyday life in Ancient Greece.
Greeks regarded mythology as a part of their history.
They used myth to explain natural phenomena, cultural variations, traditional enmities and friendships.
Greek mythology has greatly influenced the development of Western civilization, especially in the arts and culture.

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Quiz about Greek gods and goddesses. Quiz is generic, application compiles a new series of questions each time you start.

Graphic display of your saved results. Number of completed tasks and performance by months.

Table of Greek Gods
List of Greek gods, goddesses, muses, nymphs, heros and monsters.

Images of the 12 most important Greek gods and goddesses known as Twelve Olympians.
Image Greek gods

Quiz - Greek gods

Quiz is generic, application compiles a new series of questions each time you start.
Quiz: {{restit}}
Number of questions: {{(plynum)}}
Difficulty: {{resdifi}}
{{$index+1}}. question

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Quiz: {{restit}}
Date: {{timest * 1000 | date:'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss'}}
Number of questions: {{(anscor+answro)}}
Difficulty: {{resdifi}}
Correct answers: {{anscor}}
Wrong answers: {{answro}}
Efficiency: {{anscor/(anscor+answro)*100|number:0}} %
Time: {{tmdur}} s
Time for 1 question: {{tmdur / (anscor+answro)|number:1}} s

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Performance - Greek gods
Proportion of correct answers (in %) for the last {{chrAnum}} exercises.
Tasks solved by months - Greek gods
Number of completed tasks by months. One exercise usually contains 6 to 15 tasks.
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Performance by months - Greek gods
Proportion of correctly solved tasks (in %) by months.
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Tasks by difficulty - Greek gods
Number of solved tasks by difficulty in each month.
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Table of Greek Gods

The table below shows twelve most important Greek goddesses and gods known as the Twelve Olympians and other minor goddesses and gods who occasionally resided on Mount Olympus.

Use the switches to add other mythological creatures to the table.
{{selectedTypes[0].id}} - Twelve most important Greek gods
{{selectedTypes[1].id}} - Less important Greek goddess
{{selectedTypes[2].id}} - Less important Greek gods
{{selectedTypes[3].id}} - Muses were goddesses of inspiration in literature, science and the arts
{{selectedTypes[4].id}} - Nymphs are regarded as divine spirits who animate or maintain nature
{{selectedTypes[5].id}} - Heroes in Greek mythology
{{selectedTypes[6].id}} - Monsters, giants and other mythological creatures

Name Group Description
{{}} {{rows.type}} {{rows.descr}}

Greek goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite

Image Greek goddess of beauty and love Aphrodite

Greek god of art Apollo

Image Greek god of art Apollo

Greek god of war Ares

Image Greek god of war Ares

Greek goddess of the hunt Artemis

Image Greek goddess of the hunt Artemis

Greek goddess of agriculture Demeter

Image Greek goddess of agriculture Demeter

Greek goddess of wisdom and intelligence Athena

Image Greek goddess of wisdom and intelligence Athena

Greek god of wine and parties Dionysus

Image Greek god of wine and parties Dionysus

Greek king of the underworld Hades

Image Greek king of the underworld Hades

Greek god of fire Hephaestus

Image Greek god of fire Hephaestus

Greek goddess of women and childbirth Hera

Image Greek goddess of women and childbirth Hera

Greek god of travel and trade Hermes

Image Greek god of travel and trade Hermes

Greek god of the sea Poseidon

Image Greek god of the sea Poseidon

Greek king of the gods and god of the sky Zeus

Image Greek king of the gods and god of the sky Zeus
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